Monday, September 1, 2008

wow.....pot smoking lizards....pretty cool

Well It did take me a few chapters to understand that one story was in the past while the other was set in the future....I didn't read the back until much later. But so far everything seems pertty the small hope of love that Elizabeth has for Gregor is kinda intresting..she just didn't seem like the kind of woman who would be intrested in a man like that, and the fact that he is completely smitten for her, but totally goes for another I do like Matt's story better, it seems a bit more intresting mostly because the action happened almost immedently.
Over all so far the book is cool, but sort of slow....I haven't read enough to get to the conncetion between them, but I have an idea.


Marlon said...

The explanation I would give you as to why Gregor pursues a girl other than Elizabeth is that he doesn't want to risk altering their friendship by making it something more than casual.

sakura_fire said...

I think that Gregor is simply... oblivious to Elizabeth's feelings.
As for Matt, he is obviously Gregor's ancestor; how he ends up in space. your guess is as good as mine but as they say, all things in time.

messenger_of_death said...

If Elizabeth is disappointed that Gregor doesn't get her, then she obviously doesn't get men very well. Let me make this perfectly clear; we don't pick up on hints very easily, sometimes not at all, so unless you don't make a clear and consise move you'll be wasting your time. And no, wearing a pretty dress to a party doesn't count. So Gregor isn't to blame for Elizabeth's failing here, it's her fault, 'nuff said.